November Update

We are still unable to meet and paint together but have been having a look at on-line exhibitions and other subjects.

I attended an excellent Zoom event from the Museum of East Asian Art on the subject of Creating a Mandala. 

A mandala (emphasis on first syllable; Sanskrit मण्डल, mandala – literally “circle”) is a geometric configuration of symbols. 

In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of practitioners and adepts, as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction. 

In the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Shintoism it is used as a map representing deities, or specially in the case of Shintoism, paradises, kami or actual shrines.

The Zoom event was well thought out and presented. Dan did an excellent presentation on how to create a Mandala, first taking us through breathing exercises to calm us down and get us focused.

Having produced a couple, I suggested that the group have a look at Dan’s excellent videos via this link

Have a go at the meditation – you might find it useful.

Then, develop their own mandala – to let us see what they come up with.

And then  consider following Dan’s advice in Video 3. 

It is worth giving it a try to see what you brain comes up with. Don’t over think it. Follow Dan’s instructions and give it a go. Have fun!

Rose, Sarah and I had a go and these are the results

Rose Meech
Marion Dearlove
Marion Dearlove
Sarah Turner